Vintage Sylvania 6dj8 Ecc88 Tube Very Strong & Balanced Results= 12,600/11,900

US $100

  • Matawan, New Jersey, United States
  • Jun 2nd
Vintage Sylvania 6DJ8 ECC88 Tube Very Strong & Balanced~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Tested on our  proprietary  tester , the E3444 Triplett/Westmore 501 : it's a Triplett 3444 / Westmore 501 that has been enhanced. This tester uses regulated power sources for the bias, plate, & screen voltages, as well as modified operating & testing procedures. Filament voltage is also controlled.  Tubes are tested in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications; measurements closely align with a laboratory tester built to rigorously measure vacuum tube characteristics.  Tubes can be accurately matched for gm & plate current at the manufacturer's specified test points or at other specified test points. ***** This tester was prepared by Mr. Paul Hart of Falls Church , Virginia. ***** *********************************************************************  Industry Bogey transconductance =  12,500/12,500 µmhos  &  Industry Bogey plate current =  15.0/15.0 mA Results =  12,600/11,900 µmhos  ~   16.0/17.0 mA <><><><><><><><><><><><><><> I have many other types of tubes  ~  Just Search MY store USA Shipping $6   ~ No Additional Shipping Charges All tubes Guaranteed               338 ~~~~  Please click on the link below to view more items in my store.  ~~~~~~~~                                                GreenGirl's Guaranteed VintageTubes


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