Tempo Progressive Electronic Greenlee Toner Probe Case 200b 77hp Tracer 2 Nr

US $950

  • West Hartford, Connecticut, United States
  • Jan 29th
 Comes with 77HP, 200B and case. Tested working. The Tempo Tone Generator 77HP permits technicians to identify the conductor within a bundle, at a cross-connect point or at the remote end. High Powered Tracer 2 Can be used on twisted pair wiring (telecom, datacom, etc.), single conductors, coaxial cables, de-energized AC wiring and most other wiring. Click the SPECIFICATIONS tab for complete technical specs. 200B  Used in conjunction with any tone generator, Tone Probe Amplifiers permit wire and cable identification without having to make direct metallic contact with the conductor All models feature a powerful speaker for noisy environments, recessed on/off button control and high gain for accurate wire identification in congested cable bundles and equipment rooms


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