Silent Knight 5128 Fire Alarm Slave Communicator P/n 121599d

US $470

  • Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
  • Oct 23rd
This listing is for one Silent Knight 5128 Fire Communicator module.  This was a working pull from construction.  I'm not able to test the item, as I don't have the rest of the panel, but rather than sell it as-is I'll meet you in the middle.  If you buy it and it doesn't work (and please, don't try to install it yourself and destroy it), you can return it for a full refund, minus shipping because I have to pay that either way.  It's a win-win.  It's in great shape physically, and I've inspected the circuit board and found no signs of tampering or decay, so I see no reason why it shouldn't work.  You get to split the difference between a new/tested unit, and if it doesn't work you can just send it back!


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