Rota-pan Rotapan Gold Pan From Australia Fast And Easy Collects Fines - Nuggets

US $16000

  • Liverpool Ns, Canada
  • Jun 8th
Don't worry about expensive bucket shipping costs; it's cheaper to buy a bucket locally at $2 to $5. Please note that no bucket is included with your purchase, only the Rota-pan as pictured. If you buy it now, you'll also receive a bonus of a few pounds of highly mineralized Quartz gold ore. You can trust that your Rota-pan will arrive quickly and safely with included tracking. With a 24-48 hour shipping window, you'll have your Rota-pan and be ready to start panning for gold in no time. The Rota-pan is durable and built to last, making it worth every penny of its $200 price tag. You can go through dirt quickly and efficiently with this tool, and it doesn't require any power source. This means that even kids can learn to catch gold in seconds like a pro. The Rota-pan Gold Pan from Australia is a must-have for any gold panning enthusiast. This high-quality pan collects fines as well as nuggets, making it an essential tool for everyone. With a lightly used Rota-pan, all you need is a 5-gallon bucket and water to get started. You can learn how it works by checking out the informative videos available on YouTube.


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