Pully Pro Laser Alignment System For Pullys/sheaves Kx-9500y And Kx-2500t

US $690

  • Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States
  • Jun 19th
This item is a pulley and sheave laser alignment system. Get rid of you metal rule you have been using for pulley and sheave alignment and get up to date with a laser alignment system designed for pulleys and sheaves. There are actually two systems in this one kit. The model KX-9500T is a 10in tall laser system that had an array of rare-earth magnets that can attach to a 7 inch or larger diameter pulley/sheave and the model KX-2500T laser system that can attach to a pulley/sheave smaller than 7 inches. With the Pulley Pac laser alignment system you reduce the wear on sheaves/pulleys, belts, bearings and seals as well as reducing vibration. The accuracy of the this device means that you can align within prescribed tolerances and rely on the result, a much better result than with just a straight edge. Precision sheave or pulley alignments also translate greater efficiency and energy savings, to say nothing about longer belt/chain life. I used this equipment for several years in power plants and convinced senior mechanics that this laser alignment system was superior to their straight edge way of performing pulley and sheave alignments. This alignment system originally cost over $4000 and I used it mostly for alignment training courses that I had taught for many years. I very seldon used this instrument in a dirty environment, just classrooms, so there is no grease and grim on this system. I am selling all of my predictive maintenance tools due to me permanently retiring so all of it has to go. Be sure to check out my other eBay items currently up for sale. I was certified in Vibration, Thermography, Alignment, and Balancing so I have a little of each for sale. Please let me know if you have any further questions and I will answer them ASAP. If there is any problem with this item please let me know and I will make it right, BEFORE you leave feedback. I have 100% feedback rating and will do anything to keep it that way. I double package everything so there should be no problem of breakage as it leaves my house in central Wisconsin. Thank you for looking and good luck bidding.


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