Pflow Material Elevator Vertical Conveyor 20' Lift 2500lbs Unused

US $78000

  • New Berlin, Wisconsin, United States
  • May 28th
Built by PFlow in Milwaukee. Its made for cargo not people. It was made for a project in another state and the buyer never installed it for some reason. The inside dims of the elevator are 53" x 92.25" and there is 70.5" clearance under the lifting cross bar on top of the cage. 2500lb capacity. The last two pictures are of the dimentional drawings of the proposed installation. It shows a 20' lift between floors, as long as you are at that or less you shouldn't have any problem with the included parts. It can go higher but the lift chains and other parts are sized for that. You have to supply the two vertical I Beams it runs on. You will also have to fabricate some horizontal braces. There are steel plates supplied that get welded on top to hold the lift mechanism. It runs on 460 volt 3 phase. I can email the installation manuals and owners manual so you can check it out first. I was the first person to open up the crate of parts so I'm assuming its all there. But if something is missing you would have to purchase it from Pflow. So from what I can tell from the instructions you will have to provide the I Beams, Bracing beam's ie angle iron and fabricate the two gates. I think you could buy the gates from Pflow if you preferred. They sent me the manuals and are very helpful. Payment by wire or good check unless you want to pay the 3% fee's Will ship I'm 10 miles west of Milwaukee if you would like to inspect or pickup. 53151 As is Jeff 262 227 7774


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