Olympus E87 Vintage Headset For Dictating / Transcription Machines

US $190

  • Toronto, Canada
  • Nov 5th
All shipping rates come with full insurance and tracking, with the exception of Small Packet economy rates. I accept Paypal and credit card payments, and I can also accept cash and make in-person deliveries in Toronto. Shipping is available worldwide, with options for custom quotes if you need priority courier services. As an independent seller with 14 years of experience, I rescue secondhand artifacts and make sure they find loving new owners. It has a stethoscope-style design and is in excellent condition with minor scuffing from use. This vintage Olympus E87 headset is perfect for dictation machines. Feel free to reach out if you're searching for something specific. Returns are possible if there is a significant mistake in the item description, but I'm always happy to discuss any problems or concerns. Please note that ear-tips are not included. Your satisfaction is my top priority.


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