Magnetically Coupled Linear Axis 10" Stroke - Smc Ncdy2s15l-1000bc

US $139

  • Stillwater, Minnesota, United States
  • Jun 8th
This auction is for the above pictured item. Below is the manufacturer's descript Magnetically coupled cylinders save space and have a wide range of applications. The NCY series can be used in many diverse environments, because there is no external leakage. The use of a linear guide makes loading and moments, directly on the cylinder possible. T-Slots on the mounting surfaces provides mounting freedom, and a variety of guides can be used to achieve the necessary accuracy or moment needed for your application. A top cover can be mounted over the sliding section of the cylinder to prevent scratches and damage, and centralized piping minimizes mounting space. The NCY is available in 6 bore sizes 6mm through 40mm and strokes up to 80 inches are standard. Auto switches are available AC /DC and in reed, solid state and 2 color output. Magnetically coupled rodless cylinder Type: slide bearing Bore size (mm): 6, 10, 15, 25, 32, 40 Maximum stroke:10" Auto switch capable Manufacturer's Page


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