Ma/com Jaguar 700p 800mhz Portable Radio Harris

US $60.00

  • Daytona Beach, Florida, United States
  • Jan 29th
MA/Com (Harris) Jaguar 700P Portable Radio This is an 800mhz model # HA8ETX purchased in a lot of surplus municipal equipment.  The radio is used but the case is solid and still fully intact.  All buttons, knobs, contacts, and screen are still intact.  Screen does not appear to be missing any pixels.  This unit was labeled as "for parts" when I got it, but I'm not sure why.  The unit powers up, the screen works and I was able to scroll through the channels that were on it.  I don't have the ability to test it beyond that. Auction includes radio and antenna.  Please see my other auctions for batteries and other radios.
For parts or not working: An item that does not function as intended and is not fully operational. This includes items that are defective in ways that render them difficult to use, items that require service or repair, or items missing essential components. See the seller’s listing for full details. ...
Model 700P 800mhz


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