Icom F11/f21 Chassis-8010018503

US $8.00

  • Sierra Vista, Arizona, United States
  • Jan 29th
Payment can be made using accepted methods such as Paypal or a business/personal check. For check payments, the item will be shipped after it has cleared. Payment must be made within 7 days of the listing's end. This listing offers an Icom F11/F21 chassis with the 8010018503 model number that is brand new. Our shop is currently clearing out various items, so make sure to look through our listings to find what you need. Shipping will either be through USPS or Fedex at the lowest cost available. Combining shipping is also an option. If you are an international buyer, kindly email us with your postal code and country for a more precise estimate since shipping calculators can sometimes be overpriced. IMPORTANT NOTE: Should you have inquiries, do not hesitate to send us an email. Thank you for your understanding. We will be on vacation from October 21-30 and will not be able to ship any item until we return. Should you purchase during that time, please be patient for the shipment. We will send it promptly upon our return on Monday, November 3.


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