Homemade Copper Heat Exchanger. Use It, Or Buy As Scrap Copper.

US $3500

  • Greenville, North Carolina, United States
  • Jan 29th
For sale is a homemade copper heat exchanger. The exchanger is a part of an unfinished project.  You can try to adapt it for your needs, or just get it as scrap copper. The exchanger has quite specific configuration.  (Please see the photos.)  The main body of the exchanger is approximately  9 by 9 by 10  inches.  5/8 OD diameter tubes were used for the exchanger. The loops of the exchanger may slightly be soldered together at one side.  You can heat up the adjacent loops with a torch, separate them with, say, a screw driver, let the solder cool down.  That way you will separate the loops. If you plan to use the exchanger, you will need to flush it thoroughly. Both water soluble and petroleum based fluxes were used during soldering of the exchanger. The exchanger weights approximately 11.5 lbs.  The initial price for the exchanger is as for scrap copper.  But the exchanger deserves more then to be scrap copper.


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