Hays Cleveland Hrc Gas Flow Meters (qty 2) With Calibration Site Glass 1-3 Lpm

US $1400

  • Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
  • Jun 1st
This auction if for two (actually three systems in the box one with a broken valve switch - Its free) HRC Hays Cleveland gas flow meters with two ports one ment for calibration. The site glasses are good for upt o 3 LPM.  These systems have no issues. They were removed from an environmental control system at a semiconductor plant and were in operation until we removed the associated air control system. There are no issues wtih two of these dual flow meter systems. They can be used for measuring the flow on a wide range of gases including H, N2, Argon, O2. etc.  Free shipping to the lower 48 states.   Please call Mark if you have any questions. Thanks for considering us to supply equipment for your project. Mark 206-399-9717 mollodesign@yahoo.com 


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