Fairlight Xynergi Controller Keyboard (xpri Edius Adobe Premiere)

US $1600

  • Kansai, Japan
  • Jun 9th
Moved from working environment. The item includes: controller, PSU AC-to-DC adapter (The power cable has a Japanese plug on the end, so the buyer will probably need a widely available adapter) Works perfectly alright, though controller has surface and bottom scratches. Also there are two fissures and one breach on transparent keys (it does not affect the operations or the microdisplay visiability). I guarantee a correct work of the controller only within Fairlight DAW systems. Not tested at all by me with Pyramix or ProTools. Please notice: a PC's USB port should have power on it to wake up the Xynergi. Non-powered USB ports would not work. By the ICAN 'Layout Editor' (which is implemented in Xynergi 4.1 Software installer (available online)) this controller could be user-customized and utilized as primary controller to video editors such as Edius, Xpri, Adobe Premiere, etc. (see examples on Youtube) and third party DAWs. http://www.media-logic.de/produkte/fairlight/produkte/ican.aspx I also have same Xynergi without PSU (fully working condition, too). Please write me if you need that one - a separate listing would be made. Free worldwide EMS shipping (~ 4-9 days to US via USPS Priority Mail Expess Int.) (~ 5-14 days to UK via Parcelforce GlobalPriority; same time to the rest of EU; Switzerland, Norway) (~5-10 days to Canada) (~5-10 days to Australia) (~3-5 days to China and Hong Kong) etc. Please be absolutely calm about national taxes and custom duties (if any) - everything would be set and settled alright. Be kind to not forget: direct COMMUNICATION with seller is a best way to solve any issue.


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