Ems Econo-vac Kit

US $150.00

  • Mooresville, Indiana, United States
  • Feb 13th
EMS ECONO-VAC KIT is a highly practical and efficient immobilization device that effectively restrains patients during transportation. This kit features various components that ensure minimal movement and maximum safety for patients. With its easy-to-use design and durable construction, the EMS ECONO-VAC KIT is an excellent addition to any emergency response team. The EMS ECONO-VAC KIT provides exceptional patient care and safety by reducing extraneous movement. This minimizes the risk of further injury or discomfort, making it an ideal solution for emergency situations. Its compact design and carrying case also ensure that it can be easily transported and stored when not in use. Overall, the EMS ECONO-VAC KIT is an outstanding investment that optimizes patient care without sacrificing convenience or quality. Its practicality and effectiveness make it a valuable tool for any medical professional who needs to ensure the safe and secure transport of patients. The kit contains various specialized pieces of equipment that work together to create a comprehensive immobilization system. The system includes a vacuum mattress, a manual pump, and reusable air-tight storage bags. These components allow for precise customization to each patient's body shape and size. By removing the air from the mattress with the manual pump, it contours to the patient's contours, providing complete immobilization.


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