Carrier 003-0698-1000 Hd Quad Ds1/e1 Card

US $740

  • Denton, Texas, United States
  • Jan 30th
If you need to return the item, please message the seller through eBay. The CARRIER 003-0698-1000 HD QUAD DS1/E1 Card must be returned in the same condition as it was originally shipped. Payment for this product can only be made through PayPal. However, credit cards and eChecks can also be processed through My PayPal Account. The shipping fees are inclusive of the purchase price and there are no additional fees. For any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact the seller. Take advantage of this opportunity and buy with confidence. The seller is a super fast shipper, regularly making trips to the Post Office and UPS Center daily. Upon purchase, expect your item to be shipped within 24 hours or even as quickly as 15 minutes before the seller heads out for delivery. However, please note that international, Canadian, and US territories deliveries are not available. The CARRIER 003-0698-1000 HD QUAD DS1/E1 Card, now available for purchase, comes with a 30 day warranty. This item has received excellent feedback from previous buyers, ensuring you buy with complete confidence.


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