Cadillac Nc100 Parts List

US $20.00

  • Omaha, Nebraska, United States
  • Jan 30th
This is a printed copy of the parts manual for Cadillac NC100 numeric controlled lathe.  This is only for the lathe itself, not the controller.   Manual is in very good shape.  The part model numbers don't copy very well as they are so lightly written however this should not matter too much as production ceased on this lathe long ago.  The cost of this is only my labor & materials to produce in order to provide for others that might need it.  I have not found any place where this manual is posted or available to find.  I've made some notes as the configuration changed slightly on the X-axis mechanism, as well as to show what the carriage oiling lines feed.  Let me know if you want original manual or with edits shown.  I can provide either way.


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