Arjo Parker Bath Hoyer Hand Control Remote + Lot Smiths Industries Control Boxes

US $75.00

  • Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States
  • Jan 30th
For sale is a lot consisting of five hand controls, control boxes, and wire harnesses, all extracted from fully operational machines. Several of the hand controls are from the Parker Bathing equipment, which was previously owned by Sunrise Medical/Joerns and later on acquired by Arjo Bath. The controls have been removed from various tubs and the Hoyer Patient lifts, some from exhibit gear, while others from items wrongly diagnosed. These are rare finds. Place your bid today and take advantage of this exclusive deal. Thank you and good luck! The majority of the front button membrane of these hand controls is crack-free, while some have minor cracks. One of the white hand controls is in great condition, the other with a cracked membrane, but it worked fine when it was in operation (can be used as spare parts). Additionally, one of the hand controls has an unbroken hook, which is commonly broken if dropped. Others have magnets integrated for the Hoyer lifts. The 24-volt control boxes from Smith Industries bear part number 102716UL-03-24 and were utilized in the Parker Bath tubs. One of the known models of Parker Bath tubs was the PB007, where the white hand controls aligned with those boxes, performing four functions - tub raise, tub lower, tilt forward, and tilt back. This lot is an excellent chance for individuals seeking perfect spare parts for their tubs, therapy equipment, or Hoyer lifts, as you can obtain the whole package at a remarkable price. If bought new, it would set you back over $1000.


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