4+ Modern Game Birchen Bantam - Fertile Hatching Eggs - Show Quality - Rare !!

US $191

  • Glendale, Arizona, United States
  • May 29th
you are buying  4+  fertile hatching eggs - MODERN GAME BIRCHEN BANTAM SHOW QUALITY - WE WILL ONLY HAVE  FEW SETS OF EGGS TO PURCHASE FOR THE ENTIRE  YEAR , AS THIS ARE SEASONAL LAYERS the eggs belong to the parents presented  in the pictures . HURRY UP AND SECURE YOUR 4 FERTILE EGGS NOW !! BREEDING PAIRS  may be available on demand !! We checked fertility and eggs are fertile, however we cannot guarantee fertility and hatchability in your incubator. Our hatchability is almost 100% - - because there are a lot of factors  that can influence it as shipping, your incubator settings, your incubating  eggs experience, etc. If you decide to purchase this eggs, you understand that there is no guarantee on fertility or hatchability once this eggs  get shipped to you.   Please be reasonable on leaving the feedback, there is a lot of work in obtaining this eggs and we do our best to harvest fertile fresh eggs, pack them securely, ship them  expeditely. Please leave feedback on your buying/ shipping experience , we cannot guarantee hatchability , you can have all hatching or you can have none based on factors we explained above. We only ship priority on monday, tuesday and wednesday  in order for the eggs to reach you before the weekend. If your purchase is Wednesday thru Sunday, we will send freshest eggs available on Monday .Once you receive the eggs, let them sit pointy end down for 24 hours, then place them in the incubator.  Please note, we do not ship to Hawaii, Canada or any international destination !!                                     Happy hatching !!


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