2hp Grain Crusher/ Corn Grinder/ Flour Mill- Animal/ Stock/ Poultry/ Horse Feed

AU $1,170.00

  • Dereel, Australia
  • Jan 30th
Grain Crusher/ Corn Grinder/ Mill- Animal/ Stock/ poultry/ horse feed Description Why crush your own animal feed? In order for your animal to take advantage of all of the natural goodness that is hidden within the grain,the feed needs to be consumed freshly crushed. Grains that are swallowed whole have no benefit on the animal consuming them, as the external layer keeps the grain from digesting, and all of the nutritious value unused. When the external layer is broken, the digesting can accrue efficiently, the animal can enjoy the high nutritious value, and is put in to better condition. Why fresh? Because like all food, as soon as the crushed grains come in contact with oxygen, starts a process of oxidation, and the nutrients and vitamins start to lose their value. According to researches, within 24 hours of cracking the grain, 40% of the nutrients have been oxidized. Within 72 hours 90% of the nutrients have been destroyed. After that all the vitamins and oils have been essentially destroyed. By immediately using the freshly crushed grains, the animal can consume the healthy benefits of these essential vitamins and oils.


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