10 Silkie Chicken Hatching Eggs

US $52

  • Henderson, Kentucky, United States
  • Jan 30th
Ordering hatching eggs through the mail can be nerve wracking.  We all know what a risk it is.  I'll take half the risk away by ensuring you that I do know how to pack fertile eggs so that they have the best possible chance of reaching you with air cells still intact.  However, with the rough handling of the USPS and the many incubation variables, sellers cannot be responsible for the eggs once they leave our hands.  Your package will have $50 of insurance that will cover a smashed box, so if your box is crushed, give it back to them and file a claim right then and there. I have a mixed group although they are separated currently.  I have gorgeous buffs and outstanding blue, black, & splash.  My blues are proudly perfectly light blue.  The buffs are equally as amazing.  One buff hen is insisting on nesting on the side of the blues so her babies could be grayish or dirty buffish or pure buff.  I have one hen in the buff pen that is Columbian, being half buff and half lavender.  Eggs from this hen will be good for a blue cream project.  I mark both of these hens' eggs.  All of these birds have crests bigger than the standard.  They all have perfectly spaced & numbered toes with heavy feet feathering.    No shipping to Hawaii, Alaska, or out of the USA. I would like put your phone number on the outside of the box for the USPS to call you to pick up the eggs at the hub.  It just saves a little bit of added jostling of the eggs if they don't go on the delivery vehicle.  It's up to you.  Drop me a line if you want to do this.  Thank you for viewing.


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